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Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:40 pm
by JohnTurney
I am sure we can guess who sent it, but essentially it is trying to dissuade folks from renewing to PFRA. Got quite a laugh from it.

Re: Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:55 pm
by TanksAndSpartans
I got it as well. I wonder how he got everyone's email?

I've seen some of that stuff on the board - I forget the handle, but it seems like there is some organizational history I'm not familiar with - a lot of bitterness in that email.

Re: Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:07 pm
by JohnTurney
TanksAndSpartans wrote:I got it as well. I wonder how he got everyone's email?

I've seen some of that stuff on the board - I forget the handle, but it seems like there is some organizational history I'm not familiar with - a lot of bitterness in that email.
Yeah, kind of sad situation. People like that need compassion more than criticism. This, too, will pass.

Re: Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:43 pm
by JeffreyMiller
What the hell did I do to deserve mention in that piece of toilet paper? Whoever the unidentified chickenshit is who wrote claimed I committed fraud? What the f***?

I am inviting whoever wrote that letter to contact me directly and substantiate your claims. I have all of the ballots that were cast in the recent election and the voting was unanimous ... no fraud needed to be committed.

Maybe we need to start a new organization and let this "person" keep this one ...

Re: Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:48 pm
by Reaser
I got it, too.

Some of the stuff alluded to is from years ago when we lost the old forums -- which I think most agreed was a debacle. Nothing can be done about that now.

We did lose a lot of good -and no so good- PFRA/forum members over the last few years. I can't argue that.

Re: Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:50 pm
by JeffreyMiller
Reaser wrote:I got it, too.

Some of the stuff alluded to is from years ago when we lost the old forums -- which I think most agreed was a debacle. Nothing can be done about that now.

We did lose a lot of good -and no so good- PFRA/forum members over the last few years. I can't argue that.
True, but the one's I know who left would not have written a letter like this.

Re: Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 11:58 pm
by Rupert Patrick
I didn't officially join PFRA until I had been in the forum for 4-5 years, and it was after I had attended the first bi-annual meeting in Pittsburgh in 2008, and shortly after I first published an article in the Coffin Corner. I had always been one who subscribed to the Groucho Marx adage that I would not belong to any organization that would have somebody like me as a member, but I finally went against my better judgement and joined. If a particular long-time forum poster does not wish to join, that is his or her own personal business.

Re: Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 8:55 am
by ChrisBabcock
I am inviting whoever wrote that letter to contact me directly and substantiate your claims.
I got it too. Jeff what is hilarious is that in his diatribe he says that “7_7_7_7_” who does not even have enough gumption to identify himself". Well golly gee I asked nicely once. He responded nicely. His name is Matt. While the writer of said chickenshit "did not even have enough gumption to identify himself". Judging by the style of writing it is a former poster here... oldecapecod11. The account is still active but he may be banned from posting. His name is Phil something or other if I remember correctly.

Re: Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:50 am
by TanksAndSpartans
Hopefully, no hackers tampered with the election :)

Some of the same themes were brought up in this post: ... ers#p20721

I don't like that he had my email - to me that implies he must have access to PFRA member information.

Re: Did anyone else get an email from

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:11 am
by JeffreyMiller
ChrisBabcock wrote:
I am inviting whoever wrote that letter to contact me directly and substantiate your claims.
I got it too. Jeff what is hilarious is that in his diatribe he says that “7_7_7_7_” who does not even have enough gumption to identify himself". Well golly gee I asked nicely once. He responded nicely. His name is Matt. While the writer of said chickenshit "did not even have enough gumption to identify himself". Judging by the style of writing it is a former poster here... oldecapecod11. The account is still active but he may be banned from posting. His name is Phil something or other if I remember correctly.
I was thinking the same thing. He sent me a vitriolic email a while back and it's strikingly similar.