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FY2015 PFRA Annual Report

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 12:36 pm
by Ken Crippen
The PFRA board of directors have created and approved the Annual Report for fiscal year 2015. The report and meeting minutes are available for immediate download in the Members Only section of the PFRA website.

Re: FY2015 PFRA Annual Report

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:30 pm
by ChrisBabcock
Thanks for posting the minutes. It's a bit disappointing that we're considering taking down the Facebook page. Not that I'm an expert but I think that it is possible to post on Twitter and Facebook simultaneously. i.e. have the accounts linked together so that if you post on one it automatically posts to the other. So as long as we're keeping Twitter active it would take no extra effort keeping Facebook active.

I'm often on Facebook and I've never touched Twitter... so I confess I'm speaking selfishly here. 8-)

Re: FY2015 PFRA Annual Report

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 1:46 pm
by mwald
Facebook is obviously a great way to promote whatever, but if it's not updated regularly, i.e., if the last post is over two years old, it gives the appearance to visitors that (in this case) the company/organization is also not current or active.

In that regard, probably best to either ramp up the content or decommission it.

Re: FY2015 PFRA Annual Report

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:10 pm
by Ken Crippen
ChrisBabcock wrote:Thanks for posting the minutes. It's a bit disappointing that we're considering taking down the Facebook page. Not that I'm an expert but I think that it is possible to post on Twitter and Facebook simultaneously. i.e. have the accounts linked together so that if you post on one it automatically posts to the other. So as long as we're keeping Twitter active it would take no extra effort keeping Facebook active.

I'm often on Facebook and I've never touched Twitter... so I confess I'm speaking selfishly here. 8-)
You can post to an individual account from Twitter (I do that for my personal account), but I do not see a way to post to a group. If anyone knows how to do that, please let me know.

Re: FY2015 PFRA Annual Report

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:35 pm
by ChrisBabcock
I thought when my wife ran a small business she did this with Twitter and Facebook. I just emailed her to confirm. I'll have her let me know how she linked the accounts together. Like I said, it would be a shame to kill the Facebook account if we could just have it automatically posted to through Twitter.

Re: FY2015 PFRA Annual Report

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:56 pm
by ChrisBabcock
She set up her twitter account to populate the Facebook page. It was a "fan" page just like our PFRA page is now, so it should work.

Re: FY2015 PFRA Annual Report

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:56 am
by mark22photos
Yes, you can link the Twitter to a Facebook page. One of the writers I work with covering HS sports posts to Twitter & it's auto posted to his Facebook account. If you like I can find out how to do this.

Re: FY2015 PFRA Annual Report

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 9:04 am
by Ken Crippen
mark22photos wrote:Yes, you can link the Twitter to a Facebook page. One of the writers I work with covering HS sports posts to Twitter & it's auto posted to his Facebook account. If you like I can find out how to do this.
That would be great.

Re: FY2015 PFRA Annual Report

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 4:45 pm
by Massimo Foglio
I use an automatic feeder for posting content from my website to twitter and facebook accounts at the same time.
The utility can be set up to take a feed from a website or a social network account (i.e. twitter) and automatically publish it on several social networks (i.e. a facebook page) at a time.
You can find this utility here:
If you need help on how to configure the utility please let me know.