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Re: HOF Class of 2016

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:27 am
by oldecapecod11
by mwald ยป Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:23 am

bachslunch wrote:

mwald wrote:
Jason Whitlock slayed SI's business and politics columnist a few years back, on this subject.
It was such an effective slaying that King's weak defense (he barely tried) was so ineffective that the underlings who feed him information (too obtuse to know they're being taken advantage of, or intoxicated by the opportunity of fame-by-proxy, not sure which) tried to formulate a defense for him, just as ineffectively.
Shill for league business, nothing more.

I'll simply say that I'm very much not taken with any of Whitlock's work I've experienced and leave it at that.

"I'm quite taken with it. One of the best writers out there today.
"Don't agree with everything he says, but he's an independent thinker and not just another guy playing follow the leader."

No comment re Whitlock, Yea! or Nay!
But, once-upon-a-time, we had a very well-written poster here named Veeshik_ya. Many were quite taken with him (or her.)
Many others were not.
He was surely an independent thinker and never followed the leader except when he needed to gain a pardon.
Alas! He was banned. But, like Dougie, he came back -
with a new name and a profile that professed his interests as "Football, Boxing, Collecting vintage undergarments."
Alack! Again he was banned. This time for a simple phrase that was linked to one of his "Interests."
He is missed by some.
He also knew of the Peter King weaknesses and his leaning on obtuse, Edsel-like lemmings whose fame-by-proxy dreams
end without fruition.
So, once again, King makes no sense. He makes nonsense.